
Department of Neurology was established in 1984. Professor Kim Myoung-Ho, who had served as a president of medical center of Hanyang University, and Professor Kim Joo-Han established the cornerstone of the classroom. In the 1990s, Professor Kim Seung-Hyun, professor Kim Hee-Tae and professor Lee Young-joo took the position, and in the 2000s, Professor Lee Kyu-Yong, Ko Seong-Ho, Kim Hyun-Young, Kim Hee-Jin, and Kim Young-Seo were appointed. The size of the classroom was expanded by the successive appointments of professors.
Professor Kim Joo-Han at Seoul Hospital is responsible for epilepsy and sleep clinic. Professor Kim Seung-hyun serves as the Lou Gehrig Clinic, Professor Kim Hee Tae as the Parkinson Clinic, Professor Kim Hyun-Young as Professor Kim Young-Seo as the Stroke Clinic and Professor Kim Hee-Jin as the Dementia clinic. The Seongdong-Gu Dementia Support Center, established in 2007, operates as a university hospital entrustment.
As Guri Hospital has a lot of patients with stroke and dementia, Professor Lee Young-Joo, Lee Kyu-Yong and Ko Seong-Ho have operated a stroke clinic and dementia clinic. Along with the Namyang-ju City Health Center, they are in charge of the regional dementia business and at the same time they are trying to manage the dementia patients in the northeastern area of ​​Gyeonggi Province.
With regard to medical school education, it consists of neurological integration lectures and neuroscience clinical practice. Since 1993, professors have taught first-year students in medicine neuroanatomy and clinical neurology. Professors teach students using various multidimensional teaching methods such as case-based learning, team-based learning, and problem-based learning methods. Clinical practice is conducted for 3 weeks in the medical department for 2 weeks. 1) Neurological examination method to evaluate the function of the nervous system, 2) General knowledge and procedure for diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. In addition, education is carried out to cultivate the necessary skills for primary care.

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