
Occupational and Environmental Medicine is composed of two major fields: one is occupational medicine, which aims to promote and maintain the health of workers, and also studies the prevention of occupational illnesses and compensation for industrial injuries. The other one is environmental medicine, a study of the effect of general environment on health and the prevention of illnesses, which conducts research, education, and consultation. The occupational and environmental medicine played a part as the preventive medicine in the past; however, with the increased interest for the industrial development and environment, it was separated to be an independent discipline. The department started as the Industrial Health Centre in Hanyang University in 1991 and became today’s Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has the health examination center in Seoul and Guri Hospital, playing a central role in the field of occupational environmental medicine. Since its separation in 2000, the department has produced 15 doctors and 14 specialists. 11 of the specialists from the department are engaged in research and education at the university, 6 are in the occupational environment department of each hospital, and 1 is working for the health care of the workers in the enterprise. Currently, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine consists of 3 full-time faculty members, 1 research assistant professor, 1 resident for each year, approximately 10 researchers and research assistants, and 30 employees for Seoul and Guri Hospital.

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